Invisalign treatments dramatically transform your smile. This dental treatment is highly effective and discreet. It helps fix your misaligned or crooked teeth without a mouth full of metal.
However, staying consistent with the Invisalign treatment and following your dentist’s instructions is crucial. This is when it comes to the effectiveness and outcome of your treatment. So what are the mistakes to avoid, benefits, and how to maintain your Invisalign?
Your cosmetic dentist in Pasadena will advise you to avoid the following mistakes to ensure that your Invisalign treatment timeline isn’t extended.
It’s essential to wear your Invisalign for the prescribed amount of time. However, ensure you take your aligners out while drinking or eating anything besides water.
Food can stack to your Invisalign aligners mixing with harmful bacteria. This causes plaque to form, which can cause tooth decay.
Ensure you create a routine when you eat to keep your oral health in good condition during Invisalign aligners treatment. Ensure you wash your Invisalign aligners and brush your teeth after taking food.
Invisalign in Pasadena, TX, treatment requires you to wear the Invisalign for 20 to 22 hours daily. It’s key to stay consistent when it comes to this treatment.
Many people need to wear their Invisalign aligners for the required time; the best way to keep consistent is to create a routine when you get yours in Invisalign aligners.
Smoking impacts your overall health and health, and it can cause several issues if you do it with your aligners. Smokers are twice likely to develop gum disease as compared to non-smokers.
Smoking with Invisalign aligners also causes teeth discoloration. This impacts the look of your smile because the stains cannot be cleaned off.
Getting your Invisalign treatment from a cosmetic dentist in Marconi Dental Aesthetics in Pasadena, TX, will offer you these benefits:
Invisalign aligners help you take better care of your teeth. These aligners are removable, so you can remove the aligners and continue with your dental routine. For example, you can do brushing and floss the normal way without special equipment.
Also, you can brush and clean the inside of your Invisalign aligners to ensure no food or bacteria builds up inside them.
Also, ensure that you regularly clean the inside of the container of Invisalign to remove any bacteria formed when you remove your aligners to drink or clean your teeth.
Crooked teeth don’t only make you feel self-conscious about your smile, but it causes more problems. If you have crooked teeth, you’re more likely to have other dental issues.
For example, crowded teeth or widely spaced teeth raise the risk of developing gum disease since your gums don’t fit properly around your teeth.
Straightening your teeth with removable Invisalign aligners helps reduce bad breath, gum inflammation, chipping off your teeth and tooth sensitivity.
Invisalign aligners from a dentist near you also help fix dental underbite and overbite. When one has an abnormal bite, it causes all sorts of problems, such as gum infections and irregular tooth erosion.
Using Invisalign aligners helps prevent other dental issues. Straightening your teeth with these aligners allows you to have great dental hygiene, which prevents the worst dental issues.
Straightening your teeth helps improve your aesthetic appearance. In addition, this will make you feel more confident in yourself.
After you’ve had your Invisalign aligners, a dentist near you will give you instructions to follow to help maintain your aligners. Some of these instructions include:
Ensure you don’t use soap, mouthwash, or denture cleaner to scrub your aligners. This ingredient is a bit abrasive to your aligners and makes them look dull.
This is among the best ways to maintain your Invisalign aligners. Ensure you clean them both in the morning and evening when brushing your teeth.
You should make this a habit whether you remove them to brush your teeth or take a meal, ensure the yard in their case always. This will help avoid the risk of damaging your aligners by losing them.
Avoid These Common Orthodontic Mistakes with Invisalign
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