Sinus Lift 

in Pasadena, TX 

When boney tissue has been lost due to reabsorption or decay, our Pasadena dentist can offer patients a sinus lift treatment in Pasadena, TX. Sinus lift treatments not only restore structure but can also prepare the patient for a restoration procedure. 

A sinus lift, also referred to as sinus augmentation, is a procedure designed to add bone structure into the upper jaw in the area of back teeth (molars and premolars) in order to facilitate successful implant placement. Maxillary sinuses are situated just above your upper jawbone on either side of your nose. When teeth have been lost from either upper jaw, there may not be enough bone structure left in this region for implant placement due to bone loss caused by tooth loss or removal; once gone this bone begins resorption which further diminishes this region's capacity for placement; longer periods without replacement can also increase this factor further reduce availability for implant placement.

Our dentist may suggest a sinus lift in order to strengthen bone structure and facilitate successful implant placement, or supplement its condition through bone grafting material placed where the sinus was. Our doctors then gently lift and push away from the jaw the sinus membrane that covers it before adding bone grafting material that supplements existing structures. 

After this procedure, we generally allow four to nine months for healing so the grafted material can incorporate with natural bone and be ready to receive its dental implant to replace a missing tooth. For more information on if sinus lift treatment would suit your oral health needs, we invite you to reach out today and schedule your appointment!

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